Thursday, September 6, 2012

So happy together!!

SO happy to always be together!!
By now everyone has heard our wonderful news! If not then I'll confirm, Violet no longer has Pseudomonas in her lungs! Meaning no further treatment, aka NO hospital stay! (For now) This is something she will always have to be cautious about, more importantly we as parents are now more aware and more cautious as a result of this event.
 This 49 day-loss of sleep-worry-filled-kept more in a bubble then normal-wait so long and intense it could kill ya-event.
This is a serious face
We are now more conscious about how to avoid any future run-ins with this nasty pseudomonas. No more wading in lakes with mucky bottoms, no backyard pools (unless the waters changed daily) staying disciplined about cleaning breathing treatment equipment and constant cleaning of toilets, bathroom floors, sinks and showers. Sounds like a lot, but it has already become routine!
Sleeping with mommy and daddy is so funny!!

So happy to wake up at her own house Weds a.m.
Neither of us got a chance to post yesterday because life got in the way. Andy had a busy day at work, and I had quite the busy day at home. Ava has been battling a runny nose, cough, feverish bug  since Monday morning, and as of yesterday she's getting a sore throat. ( I can tell because she said it hurts to laugh, and although I know she's in pain, her little raspy voice is so cute) So between Ava wanting to be held, A LOT, and trying to keep her semi- separated from Violet, I have had my hands full. However, I wouldn't change it for the world. I'll take a sick kid at home over a sick kid in the hospital any day! Even if it means having 1 kid vomit cottage cheese, the very minute I'm changing a poopy diaper and swatting at the baby's curious hand where it should not be!
Ava doing a breathing treatment to help with her congestion
Never a dull moment around here, I swear! If it's not one kid it's another.
Swinging at the park
 Coloring like her big sisters
 Riding the Dora Bus
Playing Peek-a-boo
With all that said, we have still been able to sneak in moments of fun and laughter, although the laughing hurts poor Ava. No words can express how grateful and elated we are to have our sweet baby girl home!

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