Tuesday, April 22, 2014

home sweet, can we go home???

As I write this, I lay here in a hospital bed, listening to my sweet girl snoring softly. After a long day, & rounding out Day 8 of this illness, it is no surprise she is worn out!

What started as a simple childhood virus, somehow took it's toll on our darling Violet and has now won us an over night stay in the hospital.Just need some IV hydration and on our way we shall be! Sounds so simple when you read it, but for a toddler its no easy task.Truthfully, I was more nervous about this admission then her first at 21 days old. As scary as that first time was, at least it was only Andy & I that were scared.Now Violet is old enough to put things together and figure out quickly that this may not be a fun place!

We kept telling her all week that if she didn't drink and eat she was going to have to go to the hospital and get a needle in her arm. Hey, I hoped maybe the scare tactic might've worked, but no such luck. After fighting a fever for 4 days, constantly worrying if she's eating, drinking and peeing enough, not seeming to show any obvious signs of improvement, mixed with me working and staying up the entire next day, I got a bit overwhelmed folks! Since Saturday the nurse side of my brain kept whispering " somethings not right, she may need help" while my mommy brain said " ahh taking her to the ER and making the poor girl get poked is more trauma then she needs". So Monday I called for back up! I played phone tag with the CF nurse, as she call for an update, check with a doc and call me back.Finally she called back and said we should just plan to be in the office Tues a.m. to decide what happens next.When the doc checked her over and calculated the almost 3lb weight loss since Weds, she decided we had to make a move before she gets any worse. So down to admitting we go.Wait, what? Even though in the back of my mind I knew where this day would lead I was unprepared! Other then a few extra pairs of panties, a pair of pants, hand sanitizer and some enzymes, I had nothing! Deep breath.....we will figure this out!!

Since Violet's diagnosis of CF I always knew hospitals would possibly be a part of our life, I just am not ready to accept it.I am even more grateful now that she has remained so healthy and that this is a minor issue that will hopefully be resolved in 24 hours. To all you mamas out there that do this often, I applaud you!!! They say everything gets easier the more you do it, we will have to see about that!?! Luckily Violet is such a trooper. Although it broke my heart to watch them poke her not once, but twice to start het IV, I can not express how proud I am of how brave she is. She keeps telling me how she cried because she was mad to get needle pokes but shes getting better now!

Is it possible my two year old is braver then me?? I think she just may be my new favorite super hero!

With her new Sophia doll she got from her nurse after he put her IV Iin