Monday, August 27, 2012

Merry Monday

My and my brother's dog Sophie

It's a gloomy day outside, but our house is full of excitement! This week is  big week for our family. My childhood dog is having surgery Tuesday, Andy and our twin nephews have birthdays this week (which means celebrating) and most importantly Violet gets a throat culture tomorrow.

This means by the end of this week (hopefully) the waiting will end.

Just reading all about animals, she loves looking at books and turning the pages

Since she cultured Pseudamonas on July 9th we have been stuck in this waiting game. 28 days of antibiotics, then waiting two weeks, then a second culture and another 3-5 day wait.....Were in that home stretch...but the waiting gets more intense.

We either find out that the bug is gone and we hope and pray that it stays gone for a LONG time. ( Chronic Pseudamonas is very common in CF patients over the age of 10)

Or if we weren't successful at eradicating it with oral and inhaled meds, then we head to the hospital to get IV antibiotics....and the chaos of balancing Ava time with Violet time will begin. What's weighing more heavily on my mind, (in the very, very back, because I'm sure were going to hear good results) is how would we keep an 11 month old entertained in a hospital for 2 weeks? Having her play on the floor would be my biggest nightmare, and she's not quite walking, so then what? Make her sit in her crib or on my lap all day? Boo...
Violet is so adventurous..she just cant stay still!

It seems like this could be the hardest age to be hospitalized.......As a newborn all she did was sleep and eat, so laying in the crib or on me was fine. As an older child she will have school work to do, technology to keep her busy,visitors to talk to, but as a baby/almost toddler? Of course she wouldn't be the 1st toddler to be hospitalized, so Im sure the nurses can help us get creative. And certainly if she is still positive for pseudamonas we will figure something out and do what we need to do to get her healthy, no matter what the sacrifice.

We are so blessed that she has been as healthy as she has been so far. I feel for those families who have not been as fortunate. I know we have a long road ahead of us, but in the meantime we try to let Violet be a kid and do as much fun stuff as possible. ( As long as it's not exposing her to too many germs along the way)

Enjoying some sites downtown is one fun thing for our family to do. Being outside in the summer is one of the things we enjoy, and it keeps Violet's exposure to sick people, smoke etc to a minimum

 Staying positive :) :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh E. I can't imagine what this waiting game is like. It's only natural to play the "what if" game and develop some sort of road map in your head. I hope that you don't even have to worry about how to occupy an 11-month-old.

    Keep us posted!
