Thursday, April 11, 2013

The excitement is building

Tomorrow is the big day, finally! I feel like I did the night before our wedding, up thinking about a million and 1 things, when I should be fast asleep!
Of course things will go smoothly, fingers crossed. How could they not, my mother has things meticulously planned to the T! From color coding of tickets, to the arrangement of all 70 some auction items to the scheduling of all volunteers for each task at hand.


From the volunteers, to the patrons, to the businesses who sponsored and generous individuals who donated, there are literally hundreds of people involved in our special night.One adorable little girl is the inspiration behind this remarkable event, and even more amazing is the thousands of people who will benefit from so much generosity!
Hopefully all of our hard work, (well more like my mom's hard work, sleepless nights and extreme dedication) will pay off tomorrow! It would be great to have a large amount of dough to hand over to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, but it is just as important to me to spread awareness as well. The more people that are made aware of CF and what it means to live with it, the more lives that will be touched, and the greater chance a cure will be found. There is nothing more rewarding then being a part of a movement...a movement to buy more science, and to save more lives!

Here's to adding many more tomorrows!!!

1 comment:

  1. We wish you all great success!! we know it will be!!! love you all...we will be thinking of you! you can think of us in the mud @Camp Storer with Mack (ha ha)..please give us an update as soon as you are able.

    talk soon, Maureen
