Happy Friday, welcome to the beginning of your weekend!!
Quick trip to the park in this brisk weather
The last week has been filled with adventures. Rather then bore you with details, I'll just summarize by saying, in our house there's major teething going on, a runny nose were trying to keep contained to Ava, and we had a minor burn injury this week. It's been a little hectic, and I'm sure most moms can read between the lines and know what I'm trying to say is that there has been a lot of holding and snuggling, and little no productivity around here.
Ava at her 1st dentist visit
As November is coming to a close, and Thanksgiving came and went, I felt the need to express my thankfulness. So I spent two whole naptimes creating an amazing post. It included my
feelings of gratitude as well as pictures for every person included! However it quickly turned into a 5 page post, and the more people I was including the more likely I was that someone would be forgotten and feelings would be injured. I also realized I was really gushing about my husband, and that's something private. He knows how I feel and I know how I feel, and that's what matters. It humors me when I read people's posts raving about their significant other. I wonder who they are trying to convince?
So with the advice of an older, wiser person, I decided to put that on hold.What a bummer that all my hard work would not be published. I would love to be responsible for the warm fuzzies many individuals would feel when they read my gracious accolades. ( who doesn't like to be recognized for their good deeds?) I feel like there are people in my life who do so much and even though I thank them daily, it almost seems like saying "thanks" is just routine, not a heart felt gesture. It is disheartening that a nice, positive post has to be kept to myself because there are people that will find a way to see the negative and get their feelings hurt. I guess after all my hard work it made me realize how many wonderful people are in my life, and boosted my gratitude.So for all my friends and family out there, I thank you for all that you do! Big or small, all gestures are appreciated!
Now for the light hearted, easy breezy stuff...........
Sunday we got our 1st live Christmas tree since Violet's birth ( out of caution we stuck to artificial last year) we put away the Thanksgiving stuff and are in full fledged Christmas spirit around here. Christmas tree, manger scene, garland, advent calendar...check.check.check. All we need is our outside lights up and to clean the fireplace out for Santa's arrival and our house is Christmas approved!Santa and his elves are watching little girls behavior, although yesterday Ava informed me she is sick of hearing about Santa already.Oops, problem....( I'm just now learning about this whole Elf on a Shelf deal, maybe an option for next year)
Helping put the angel on the tree
Our finished product
For once I have even gotten some Christmas shopping done, and it's not even December 1 yet. This year besides Andy, I am finding Violet is the hardest to buy for. (Reference youngest child dilemma yet again) She is not old enough to tell me what she wants, (like a certain someone who adds to her list every time the Toys R Us magazine arrives) and there is nothing she really "needs". She doesn't need clothes, and has all of Ava's "leftover toys", more then she could possibly ever play with. Her favorite past times includes, throwing things on the floor and them picking them back up, scribbling with pens, crayons, markers, whatever she can get her hands on, and climbing on chairs and tables.
My artist girls, take after Uncle Daaron of course
Hmmm,so what do we do? Sure it'd be wisest to fill up that savings account, but this year she is old enough to see the other kids open presents. Do I go to the dollar store and load up on cheap things just so she has something to open, but put a big chunk in her bank? When Ava was her age I think she got all clothes, and she needed them, but for Vi I am drawing a blank.Please insert ideas for a 14 month old here.....
Happy Holidays!!!