Monday, September 17, 2012

Countdown to Toddlerhood

Good morning, happy Monday folks! This week marks something special for our family, Sunday our baby makes the oh-so-important transition from baby to toddler hood. Yep, our youngest little angel is turning one! While some days I am not quite sure how this happened so quickly, others it seems like an eternity, not since her birth but since our journey with Cystic Fibrosis began 2 weeks later.
Sept 23, 2011
Just a few hours old

Sept 16, 2012
51 weeks (357 days old)
I can barely see the similarities any more
So over the next week I want to do something a little less medical/gloomy and instead change our focus to some interesting topics( at least I think so, hopefully you'll concur) that come along with having babies,siblings, etc...
 Ava using chalk for everything but what it's meant for,
 while Violet quietly checks out the bubbles
And again, on the hands, face, pants..yep she's a mess...and Violet's getting bored

The 2nd kid shaft


I feel like Ava, our first child, grew up a lot slower, and the year was no where near as speedy gonzalezesque as Violet's first year. Maybe because she was the 1st, and I took time weekly, (at first daily) capturing every moment of that year? Perhaps I went a bit overboard ( save your judgements, I'm hoping at least a few of you will relate...maybe???) I kept a running journal of how every day went and how long she'd sleep, nurse, how many wet diapers etc....I was a first time mom.I had no clue what I was doing?!? I didn't work or go to school the first three months of Ava's life so I had nothing but time on my hands. I was living in a dream world ( apparently) I wrote down the first time she rolled half way over, the first complete roll over, documented every new food she tried, (waiting the suggested 3-4 days between each) every tooth that came in and any symptoms beforehand and of course she had her pictures taken..ALL the time. She was born in October, so she had newborn, Christmas, 3 month, 6 month, 9mo and 1 year. ( So far Violet has had newborn and Easter/6mo, but 1 year pics are this week)

Newborn pics, with her sisters
 6 days old
 Slept like a log during most of them
She fit in Daddy's hand

With Violet, our second child, I've realized somehow she got shafted. That's normal though, right? I've heard of moms not even keeping baby books on their second and subsequent, so I'm going to take extra credit on this one! ( no offense to any of my friends with 2+ kids who have not, it's just a generic statement...we moms know your busy)

I'm going to say it is of course because there was too much going on. I had Violet on Friday, came home from the hospital Sunday afternoon and had to be back in class Tuesday for a test, no lie!
 (On a sidenote, she was left with her daddy that first week,and all was well) I immediately was back in school for the first 7 months of her life. So between juggling school, a baby, a toddler and a doctor's appointment what seems like at least 2x a month between the 2 kids and myself, I had to leave my job! (I never pictured myself as a stay at home mom, but well talk about that more one day, I could go on for hours)

So as I looked over Vi's baby book this weekend I was quite amazed at how many blanks were filled in and how much info I was able to chronicle for my wee one. Then I kept flipping and realized other important things were missing. Of course while she was in the hospital I kept a running log of every nurse, doctor, respiratory therapist etc that came into her room, any med they gave her, all her vital signs and anything else important. I've been diligent about writing down any illness, symptoms she's had, meds given, temperatures taken and most importantly her measurements each month. However, that all goes in a binder behind her monthly sheets from the Nutritionist and her Medicine Reconciliation from the CF clinic. It was as I was flipping through her baby book I realized I have every medical/technical detail documented to the was the more personal or personality type lines that are still blank. I have been so busy documenting and charting and such that I haven't done any of the fun stuff yet! I thought I'd share some of the things I found amusing...

Favorite food- any kind of cheese or meat or potato ( a true Irish girl)
Favorite color- Well duh, it's purple ( whether she knows it or not)
Favorite character- Minnie Mouse(that's who she points to in the doctor's office, so she must like her)
Favorite Activity- Doing anything and EVERYTHING my older sister's do!

While the big girls play....

She snuck over and is trying so hard to open the bubbles they were blowing for her
 Just pushing along...

and along some more
Nap time!!
I've vowed that my goal for her 2nd year of life is to stay on top of documenting. Not just her medical necessities, but the fun stuff too. This year will be filled with important stuff like her 1st official steps, putting more then one word together and starting to make friends! ( Right now play between her and other babies consists of grabbing each other's noses or toys or trying to kiss them) I've got my pen and my camera ready, bring on the fun!

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