Friday, August 31, 2012

And the verdict is.......

Just to back track for a second... We went to the clinic on Tuesday and Violet was re-cultured.
 ( Swab down the throat, and specimen placed on a petri dish to grow, just like back in high school chemistry) This takes 3-4 days to cultivate and then is identified and results are given.
With such a sweet face, who'd think serious things could be going on inside??

So the last 3 days have been sheer and utter suspense, very hard on the nerves! Well ok, we've found a few things to keep us busy and keep our minds from wandering.
 Ava & I made Daddy a birthday cake
We celebrated again last night at Mimi & Papa's
She is sooo close to taking that 1st step..( tear)

We play fairies and princesses and ponies, and of course we read books
That's Violet's favorite thing to do!  (other then eat & climb stairs)
So here it is Friday, and although I was eager to hear the results this am, (all week I planned to get up early and call right @8am when they opened) there was also a feeling of hesitancy, whether deliberate or not. At 9:15 I woke up, and just laid there wondering if there would be a message on the answering machine when I went downstairs. Or did my cell phone ring and I didn't hear it somehow? I bet since it was so late Andy got sick of waiting and called himself, maybe?
Both girls are still asleep so I sneak downstairs and look at the answering machine....nothing. Rush back up to my room and look at my cell phone, just as text from Andy saying " Well? Anything? Hello?"
Guess it's time to make that call..ugh..the dreaded new.Either our angel beat this nasty bug and we can be thankful and get back to our normal routine, or we are headed to the hospital for the next 2 weeks or so to make SURE we get rid of it, totally!
 Finally all these days of waiting are about to end, the suspense will all diminish in just a few short minutes....AND THEN we get the worst possible answer...Not a negative, not a positive but a " we need more time for the specimen to grow in order for it to be properly identified, unfortunately because of the holiday, were asking you to call back for a final result on Tuesday."
TUESDAY??? Like 4 more days??? So that's a week of waiting total....this will be the longest weekend. EVER.
At least Ava still has her baby sister at home 
So once again, all we can do is wait...nothing we can do or say to change things, speed them up or delay the inevitable. We will just have to find a way to enjoy our time as a family.....I think we can handle that task!?!

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